Wednesday 17 October 2018

Edward Muybridge- Edward Muybridge played such a big part in the development of the development of modern cinema partly due to the 1878 photo play “The Horse in Motion”, which plays an important part in the history of cinema due to it not only being one of the first films to ever be produced but also as it established Muybridge as one of the pioneers of photographic motion and motion picture projection. The film first came into being during a debate about whether or not a horse lifted all of its trotters off the ground when running. Muybridge set up 12 cameras along a racetrack and set them all off when the horse began running. When all of the photos were put together and played at an extremely long speed aside each other, it showed the horse to be running. Again although this may seem fairly simply and primitive in today’s digital age, it’s truly amazing that something like this was taking place as early as 1878, and it's interesting to see how the early pioneers saw how cinema could be used at such an early place in History.
Image result for the horse in motion (1878)

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